15 mars 2018

Houdini Fluid test

I wanted to try some Houdini fluid and test how i could bring that into a game engine.
My goal was to bake the velocity information into the vertex so i wouldn't have to bake the velocity in a texture.

I started by creating a fluid simulation in Houdini. 
For that i exported a part of my world from the engine and imported it in Houdini. 

Just using a bunch of mesh to create my sim was not great so i decided to create a shell from all those meshes. 

Here i am using a ray with a high density plane but converting all mesh to VDB then converting it back to poly could be a better solution. 

After creating my fluid i picked a frame i liked and converted it to a mesh (using remesh so i could control the mesh cost)

I then used the particle data to calculate my velocity and other attribute for foam.

Once i calculated my velocity i pushed the value into the vertex.

And i made a  shader using the vertex color to control how the texture will flow. 
I also added some vertex animation to get a better result.

It works, that's great but the process is quite heavy. 
Having information in the vertex means that Lods can create issues, also the mesh needs to have enough density to have the information.